- Assembled the jury. 召集陪审团
- He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury. 他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。
- The judge summed up the case for the jury. 法官向陪审团概述案情。
- The jury are unable to reach a unanimous decision. 陪审团未能达成意见一致的裁决。
- The jury found for the plaintiff. 陪审团作出了有利于原告的裁决。
- He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit. 他一块一块地装配飞机模型。
- Mr brown sat on the jury at the trial. 审判该案件时,布朗先生担任陪审员。
- The jury announced their verdict. 陪审团做出了裁决。
- The jury found the prisoner not guilty. 陪审团认定该囚犯无罪。
- The jury found for the defendant. 陪审团做了有利於被告的裁决。
- The jury acquitted him of all complicity in that murder. 陪审团宣告他与这件谋杀案毫无牵连。
- The jury indict all eleven men named by the FBI. 陪审团对受到联邦调查局点名的十一个人一并提起公诉。
- The jury brought in a verdict of guilty. 陪审团作出有罪的裁决。
- The lawyer's cogent arguments convince the jury. 这位律师强有力的争辩博得陪审团之信服。
- The jury found against the defendant. 陪审团作出了对被告不利的判决。
- The jury found the prisoner guilty. 陪审团判定在押犯有罪。
- The jury's verdict went against him. 陪审团裁断他有罪。
- The dean assembled the students in the auditorium. 教务长把学生集合在礼堂里。
- His pleasant voice and manner prejudiced the jury in his favor. 他那令人愉快的声音和举止使陪审团对他产生了偏心。
- They assembled the model ship bit by bit. 他们一块一块地装配宇宙飞船的模型。